Information about particular types of cancer, diagnosis, treatment, support, education, and rehabilitation.

Cancer Care Resources

The following websites may be helpful in providing more information about particular types of cancer, diagnosis, treatment, support, education, and rehabilitation.

American Breast Cancer Foundation

Breast – Information, chats, support.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Imaginis – Breast cancer information, diagnosis, treatment, reconstructive surgery information

Kansas Cancer Survivor Stories

Men Against Breast Cancer – support services to educate and empower men to be effective caregivers when breast cancer strikes a female loved one.

National Breast Cancer Coalition.

National Breast Cancer Foundation

Sharsheret – a Jewish Breast Cancer Organization

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation – Information, interactive videos, multimedia resources, and support

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Advocacy Alliance – The Advocacy Alliance engages policymakers and leaders at all levels of government to advocate for an increased investment in breast cancer research and greater access to breast health services.

Women’s Cancer Network – Clinical trials, support, information, bookstore.

Young Survival Coalition – Community for breast cancer survivors ages 30-39.

American College of Surgeons – Helps patients become informed decision-makers regarding surgery and treatment options. Helpful glossary of terms.

American Pain Society – A multidisciplinary community of scientists, clinicians, and other professionals who strive to increase awareness of pain issues through research, clinical trials, advocacy, and public policy.

American Pain Foundation – A not-for-profit organization that seeks to raise awareness, promote advocacy, and give support to people living with pain.

Association of Cancer Online Resources – Information, support, treatment options, and clinical trials. – A program of the Scott Hamilton CARES initiative, source dedicated to providing the latest information about chemotherapy to patients, their families, caregivers and friends.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Colon Cancer Alliance – A national patient advocacy organization providing support and information.

Colorectal Cancer Awareness and Screening

Colorectal Cancer Coalition – Prevention and screening, diagnosis, treatment, drugs, clinical trials, support and resources.

American Lung Association – Interactive decision support tools, tobacco cessation information, support message board.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Lung Cancer Alliance

Mesothelioma – Information about mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the protective lining around important organs, such as the lungs. It is caused by asbestos and takes at least 20-50 years to develop after exposure.

National Cancer Institute

LUNGevity – Cessation, information and support.

Pleural Mesothelioma Center – An advocacy group that works to spread the awareness of asbestos-related diseases

South County Health Fit to Quit – South County Hospital's 8-week smoking cessation program, Fit to Quit, incorporates education and exercise. It meets at the Hospital's Wellness & Fitness Center. Registration is required and there is a fee for the program. A follow-up maintenance program is also available for an additional monthly fee. For more information, call 401-782-8020 ext. 3484.

American Cancer Society – Cancer facts and figures, statistics, research and clinical trials, treatment options, find a doctor, find a treatment center, support.

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network – News and updates by state.

Cancer and Careers – Support for people with cancer who are trying to manage their cancer and their career.

CancerCare – Provides telephone, online and face-to-face counseling, support groups, education, publications and financial and co-payment assistance.

Cancer Support Community – Global network offering quality cancer support to millions of people touched by cancer, available online and at community-based centers and hospitals.

Cancer Survival Toolbox – The Cancer Survival Toolbox® is a free audio program developed to help people develop important skills to better meet the challenges of their illness.

Center for Disease Control – A federal web site dedicated to disease prevention and control.

Center for Disease Control – en Español

Dana Farber Cancer Institute

Fertile Hope – An organization dedicated to providing reproductive information, support, and hope to cancer patients and survivors at risk for infertility. Fertile Hope may provide financial assistance for fertility treatments.

The Recovery Village – Preventing drug addiction in cancer patients

Redes En Acción – The National Latino Cancer Research Network is a National Cancer Institute-funded initiative to combat cancer among Latinos.

Healthfinder – A federal web site to aid consumers to find government and nonprofit health and human services information on the Internet. Links to over 1,500 health-related organizations.

International Union Against Cancer - Global cancer control

LLS (the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society) - Largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding research, finding cures and ensuring access to treatments for blood cancer patients

Mayo Clinic – Information, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, support and professional education. – Part of the WebMD Network with easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative cancer information for consumers.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center – Information, publications, professional education, clinical trials, research, support, and community activities.

Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation - Advances the development of multiple myeloma treatments

National Cancer Institute – Information, advocacy, research, clinical trials, and information service [toll free (800)-4-CANCER]

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship - Empowers cancer survivors through its publications and programs, which provide tools for self-advocacy

U.S. Food and Drug Administration – Facts about the safety and efficacy of foods, drugs, medical devices, biologics. Includes warnings and recalls.

World Health Organization – The directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system.

American Urological Association Foundation – Information and diagrams, find a urologist, screening, and treatment options.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Malecare – Prostate cancer information, diagrams, treatment options, and support.

National Cancer Institute

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Prostate Cancer Research Institute – News, information, clinical trials and helpline.

Prostate Information

Zero – The Project to End Prostate Cancer, Expert Information about Symptoms and Treatment of Prostate Cancer.