Hospital Visiting Hours: 7 am – 7 pm

Masking is mandatory for anyone within our facilities, as recommended by the RIDOH.

COVID-positive patients will not be allowed, visitors or support persons.

Inpatients are allowed two (2) visitors in their room at a time.

Patients who are seeking care in our Emergency Department will be allowed up to two (2) visitors/support persons to accompany them in the exam area.

Visitors may be limited to one (1) as per staff direction under certain circumstances (i.e procedures, treatments).

Surgical patients (admitted and outpatients) may have visitors in the surgical waiting area during the procedure.

The Women and Newborn Care Unit will accommodate two (2) persons to support a mother during labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum.

Patients visiting the Cancer Center, including Infusion, may have one (1) visitor/support person during their appointment.

Visitors are welcome to dine in the Hospital cafeteria and relax in common areas.