Oncology Rehabilitation

A cancer diagnosis can be traumatic, and so can life-saving treatments. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery can harm health and cause serious medical problems that interfere with daily function and well-being.

Survivors sometimes show fatigue, weakness, insomnia, memory loss, fear, anxiety, and depression. South County Hospital’s Oncology Rehab Program offers important physical and psychological rehabilitation.

Most of which are covered by insurance—so survivors can recover more quickly and more completely than they otherwise would.

Newly Diagnosed or Finished with Treatment, We Can Help

We serve all survivors, whether they are beginning treatment, finished with treatment, or experiencing late effects or unresolved issues from long-ago treatment.

Our program is open to everyone no matter the prognosis, cancer stage, or phase of recovery.

Newly diagnosed patients may want to increase their strength and endurance and prevent future medical problems.

Survivors living with cancer as a chronic disease may come to us for help managing treatment-related conditions, and individuals who are cured or in remission may enroll in our program with the goal of boosting their immune systems so that they can heal as well as possible.

In the Hands of Experts

Our rehabilitation care, based on conventional medicine, is offered to patients by a knowledgeable and sensitive staff, specially trained to treat survivors of all forms of cancer.

They are experts at the top of their fields and comprise a variety of disciplines:

  • physicians
  • nurses
  • physical therapists
  • registered dietitians
  • occupational therapists
  • exercise physiologists
  • pharmacists
  • speech-language pathologists
  • mental health professionals
  • massage therapists

Looking at Your “Bigger Picture”

Rather than using a “problem-oriented” approach and tackling each health issue as it arises, we address the full spectrum of post-cancer care.

When evaluating a patient, in addition to focusing on his or her health conditions and symptoms, we take into consideration: diet, sleep issues, existing pain, endurance, strength, exercise habits, and emotional outlook.

All of these factors have an important effect on physical healing.

Personalized Rehab Plan

After undergoing a thorough evaluation by a physician, a “team” of specialists is assigned to each patient according to his or her individual needs.

The healthcare “team” creates a personalized rehabilitation plan, with the goals of increasing strength and energy, alleviating pain, improving physical functioning, achieving emotional balance, and boosting the immune system.

Each team member provides his or her expert guidance and training.

Cancer Support Groups - Patients & Caregivers

Breast Cancer - Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends Bus

The South County Hospital Breast Health Circle of Friends Program, sponsored by the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation, provides education and support services to newly diagnosed, in-treatment, and post-treatment breast cancer patients and their loved ones.

Come enjoy coffee, conversation, and a variety of free services, including art therapy, Reiki, reflexology, massage, and nutrition counseling.

Meetings take place on the third Monday of every month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

All are welcome. No appointment is necessary. Offerings vary month to month.

To learn more, explore our breast health services or call (401) 788-3850.

Caregivers' Support Group

When someone is told they have cancer, their life changes. But the patient isn't the only one affected. Life also changes for the caregiver, the one who helps the patient through the cancer journey.

Reliable caregiver support is crucial to the physical and emotional well-being of those with cancer. In this support group, you'll take away caregiving tips, advice, and support.

Share, vent, laugh and feel less alone in this private space. We’re here for you. All are welcome: spouses, partners, siblings, children, friends, etc.

Third Friday of the month. 10:30am-noon. Cancer Center Conference Room. For more information call (401) 788-3890.

Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC)

Support for People with Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer, Inc. (SPOHNC) support group meetings are held monthly and offer information, support, and encouragement to newly diagnosed patients, survivors, family members, and friends.

This group meets at South County Hospital (Cancer Center Patient Lounge, Read 1) on the second Tuesday of every month from 4:30 pm - 6 pm.

For more information contact Donna Castricone, RDN, CDO at (401) 788-8568 or

Chair Yoga for Cancer Patients and their Caregivers

The South County Health Cancer Center now offers Chair Yoga, sponsored by The Gloria Gemma Breast Resource Cancer Foundation.

Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that anyone at any age can participate in.

It is specially designed to reduce stress while increasing flexibility and muscle strength. All you need to bring is water, a towel, and a yoga mat. It is also best to wear comfortable clothes and socks.

Chair yoga classes are held every Wednesday* from 5 to 6 p.m. in Potter Conference Room A located on the South County Hospital campus.

For more information about this program, call the Gloria Gemma Foundation at (401) 861-4376.